Course details

Table with course details
Qualification name GCE A Level in Religious Studies
Qualification level 3
Awarding organisation Oxford Cambridge & RSA Examinations
Learning method Classroom based
Course hours Full-time
Course start date 1st September 2024
Cost £0.00
Attendance pattern Daytime

Discover the learning experience and opportunities you can expect from this course.

Encompassing philosophy, ethics and theology, you'll enjoy Religious Studies if you are fascinated by life's big questions. You'll need to be interested in the viewpoints and perspectives of others and enjoy essay writing. It's the study of the way religions have shaped and influenced the world and continue to do so today. Religious studies has great relevance to modern life, ethical questions being of concern to many professionals, from the engineers designing driverless cars to doctors making decisions on health care. Religious Studies can be useful across a variety of careers and complements most other A level subjects.

Find out what qualifications and skills you will need for this course.

All students must have at least a Grade 5 in English. A GCSE in Religious Studies is not required, but would be advantageous.

View the key features of this course.

You'll learn to question, think, criticise, analyse and respect a wide range of ideas and opinions. You will develop your knowledge and understanding of a variety of philosophical arguments, ethical theories and religious ideas as well considering your own interpretations. You'll look at the ancient philosophers including Plato, Aristotle and Descartes and contemplate concepts such as the nature of God, the soul, mind and body and the problem of evil. You'll learn through comparisons of the works of scholars of ethics (Aquinas and Freud) and apply your understanding to two important contemporary issues (euthanasia, business or sexual ethics) and spend time studying one religion in depth to understand how religious beliefs, values, practices and teachings shape religious identity. You will develop your extended writing, research and analytical skills, as well as logical thinking and the use of reasoned argument.

Understand how the course will be delivered.

There will be teacher led sessions, class-based discussion, student-led presentations, and individual research. You will need to undertake private study and complete regular homework tasks to stay on track. There will be opportunities to visit places of religious significance, attend university guest lectures and to take part in careers events to explore career pathways.

Find out more about exams, assignments and assessments.

Assessment is through final examination at the end of the course. There will be 3 exam papers each of 2 hours duration. Exams will be made up of extended writing questions.

Religious studies is an academically rigorous subject that will give you a broad set of skills useful for entry to a wide range of degrees across the disciplines. It is particularly useful for entry to degree subjects including, Philosophy, Ethics, Theology, Law, Psychology and Religious Studies itself.

Table with course venue details
Name Chase Terrace Academy
Address Bridge Cross Road
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